The Pulmonology Clinic |
"You don't realize how much you take your breathing for granted, until you
become abnormally aware of it" , says Dr. Ritu Malani (Consultant
Pulmonology (or Respiratory Medicine) is a medical speciality that deals with
diseases of the respiratory tract (lungs and upper airways).
India contributes to 18% of the world's population, but 32% of the global burden
of respiratory diseases. The rising prevalence of both chronic and acute respiratory
diseases in India, especially in big cities like New Delhi/ NCR, is attributable to the
dangerously high levels of outdoor air pollution from particulate matter, indoor air
pollution from biomass fuels, occupational exposure to crop dust, dust from mines and
chemicals, environmental tobacco smoke, poor nutrition, overcrowding and a
general low immunity in today's population.
"The most common complaint that internists and family physicians encounter
from patients nowadays is cough, whether it is winters, summers or even
spring. If it is not acute respiratory infections, it is allergies; if it is not chronic
persistent bronchitis, it is an exacerbation of bronchial asthma. And while the
adult population is dealing with it somehow, maximum harm is coming to the
paediatric age group, whose lungs are still in a stage of growth and
development", says Dr. Ritu Malani.
Dr. Malani deals with the management of chronic respiratory diseases like COPD
(Chronic bronchitis/ emphysema), Bronchial asthma, Interstitial lung diseases,
Occupational lung diseases, Pulmonary Sarcoidosis, Tuberculosis, Pulmonary
neoplasms, Hypersensitivity lung diseases, etc, as well as acute lung conditions
like Upper and Lower respiratory infections, Acute rhino-sinusitis, Acute bronchitis,
Pneumonias, Acute respiratory failure etc.
She has special interest in Allergies.
Dr. Malani is passionate about the level of care she gives to her patients, and works
to help them achieve their optimal health status.